Working Families for Dalia Palchik
“Dalia Palchik understands the financial contribution that immigrant workers make, and understands that they are a vital part of Virginia’s community,” said Jaime Contreras, a naturalized U.S. citizen from El Salvador and Vice President of 32BJ SEIU which represents thousands of TPS holders. “She’s exactly the kind of strong leader that immigrant families need during these hostile times.”
- Jaime Contreras, Vice Presiden, 32BJ SEIU
“We are confident that Dalia will be a strong ally to working families by fighting for high quality apprenticeship programs and making sure that responsible development includes fair wages, health care, pensions, and local hiring. We need a Fairfax County Board that works to eliminate wage theft and tax fraud in the construction industry, and we know that Dalia will be instrumental in that effort.”
- Keystone + Mountain + Lakes Regional Council of Carpenters
"Palchik is currently a member of the school board, and has long been active in Providence District politics. Her story is very similar to the stories of the workers LiUNA represents. She is an immigrant from Argentina; her father ran a home improvement business and her mother manages her own catering business. “Dalia Palchik is the progressive this county needs, and she has the potential to be transformative for Fairfax County’s working families.”
- Baltimore/Washington Laborers District Council
"As FCFT President, I am honored to endorse a candidate who will be a champion on the Board of Supervisors for a world-class education that supports ALL of our students in Fairfax County. As an educator, school board member, and an immigrant resident who grew up here in Fairfax County, Dalia has shown her commitment to our county's children and to ensuring our professional educators have a voice at the table. FCFT looks forward to our continued partnership and collaboration."
- Fairfax County Federation of Teachers
Labor Organizations Endorsing Dalia for Supervisor

Baltimore/Washington Laborers District Council

Service Employees International (SEIU) 32BJ

Keystone + Mountain + Lakes Regional Council of Carpenters

Fairfax County
Federation of Teachers

Keystone + Mountain + Lakes Regional Council of Carpenters

CASA in Action

Mid-Atlantic Pipe Trades

Keystone + Mountain + Lakes Regional Council of Carpenters

Virginia 512
Service Employees International Union